Eba: A Brief History And Why It’s Popular

There’s a lot that can be said about Nigerian food. It can be visually, and even aromatically stimulating. The colours of the spices and the uneven textures of some dishes contribute to an overall experience that is both culinary and visceral.

You see this balance in Nigerian food and you see it in Nigerian music, you see it in Nigerian fashion, and you see it in everything about Nigeria.

This is why I find it rather ironic that eba — which is arguably one of the most important dishes of our cuisine and is certainly up there as one of the most popular — remains at the fringes of mainstream knowledge about African food despite its deep roots in our culture. Especially from the southern part of Nigeria

The history of the dish

Yellow garri Eba

It is a staple food in Nigeria. It is usually eaten with vegetable soup or other types of soups. Most Nigerians like to eat it at dinner time

It is made from cassava flour, which is a starchy root that grows in Africa and South America. Cassava is also used to make tapioca.

Cassava which garri is made from, and is used to make it, was first introduced to Nigeria by the Portuguese traders who came from Angola in the 16th century. They brought cassava with them because it grows well in tropical climates like Nigeria’s climate. Nigerians started using cassava to make various types of food garri is one of them

In some parts of Nigeria, eba is prepared for special occasions such as weddings and funerals. It’s also served at festivals such as the Egungun festival, which occurs every year in January or February before the planting season begins.

How Eba became popular

Eba was popular in ancient times and was often associated with fertility and good fortune. It was also used as an offering to the gods and ancestors during ceremonies such as weddings, funerals and naming ceremonies.

It was common for people to give eba to their guests as a token of respect when visiting someone’s home or during festivities like weddings or funerals. In addition, eba was often served at parties and other social gatherings where people would eat it with their hands using their fingers as spoons while they chatted with each other.

The main reason for eba’s popularity is that it is a good source of carbohydrates and energy. Another reason for its popularity is that it is easy to make

Eba preparation

To make eba, there are some things you will need. they are listed below

  • You will need Garri (which is cassava flakes)
  • Water
  • Pot or kettle
  • A Small stick to steer the garri and water mix

Put water in the pot or kettle and heat with fire. Once it boils, pour the water into a bowl. Then pour the garri inside the bowl of hot water. Make sure you pour the garri to the extent it covers the water. Then leave it for about 3 minutes. Then Steer and mix it

What are the health benefits of eating eba?

white garri eba

The good news is that eating eba has several health benefits.

Here are some of the health benefits of eating eba:

1. Helps fight diabetes

Eba is rich in fibre which helps to keep blood sugar levels balanced. Its high protein content also helps to lower blood sugar levels.

2. Lowers cholesterol

It contains high amounts of soluble and insoluble fibres which help to reduce cholesterol levels in the body by binding with bile acids, which prevents them from being reabsorbed by the intestine and excreted through faeces instead (1). Soluble fibre can also help slow down the absorption of fat while insoluble fibre helps to speed up bowel movements (2).

3. Reduces inflammation

Foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids help fight inflammation in the body by neutralizing free radicals that cause oxidative stress Eba contains antioxidants such as vitamin A and beta-carotene which help reduce inflammation when consumed regularly.

One of the most common Nigerian foods, eba is a popular and versatile meal. Eba can be eaten with a variety of sauces or fried fish and assorted vegetables. Eba is made from cassava flour and water. The cassava flour is mixed with water until it forms a dough-like consistency. The dough is then rolled out into long ropes that are later cut into small pieces before frying in hot oil.

4. Boosts energy levels

Eba contains high amounts of carbohydrates which are slowly released into the bloodstream to provide sustained energy to the body. It is also rich in vitamin B6 and minerals such as iron, magnesium and potassium which contribute to healthy nerve function and normal muscle strength in adults.

5. Helps maintain an optimal weight

Eba has low calories making it an ideal food for people who want to lose weight or maintain an optimal weight level by reducing their calorie intake without feeling hungry all day long. This is because it does not contain fats but still tastes delicious due to its sweet taste from the sugar content present in it after cooking.

3. Reduces risk of heart disease

Eba contains very little cholesterol compared to other foods such as meat products which are very high in cholesterol

It may be hard to believe, but there was a time when eba did not exist in today’s popular sense. Now, it is enjoyed by more people than ever before. It has become a staple of Nigerian cuisine and is a testament to the ingenuity of the people who created it.

It has also spread across Nigeria and beyond, finding adherents across the world even in countries.

You can always order either your yellow or white garri from Grainfield Foods We deliver to your doorstep on time

Have you eaten eba before? if you have let us know in the comment section the soup you ate it with.

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